Students marveled as Alexander explained that the fair brings together the "whole world and all its food scape variations". Is the fair for gawking and staring at all the food and ideas represented? Absolutely not! It is for interacting with your fellow human beings while enjoying one of life's greatest treasures with them. It's also about feeding our planet together, which is where EcoGastronomy students love to delve.
This is what Alexander recommends to get the most out of your experience.
LOOK ONLINE to begin. Check out the map. It's huge! Find out what's happening the days you visit. Each country's pavilion has a schedule, so you definitely want to ask around to see if there's anything you shouldn't miss. You can subscribe to the USA pavilion's schedule here. Every day there's events from Cirque du Soleil to Famous Chef Demonstrations.
TALK WITH EVEYONE Take your time. Ask for samples!
ORGANIZE your day but be flexible. Start at the "back of the fair". When you go in through the main gate by the trains, walk all the way down Main St. (Decumano). Think Disney. That way it's less crowded.
MAKE SURE YOU VISIT Japan, South Korea, Qatar (All the Middle Eastern Pavilions are over the top) and, of course, USA! USA has a rooftop terrace and café with a stunning view of the Milan Expo grounds where you can get a good feel for the fair layout.
LOOK FOR FAMOUS PEOPLE Ha, ha! You never know if you'll see Beyonce.
STAY LATE 7 PM there's lots of parties and 8:30 PM the restaurants open. Ask volunteers and staff what's going on.
FRIEND Alexander Harling on Facebook and message him any questions. He can also introduce you the the USA interns there.
If you want to stay longer than the EcoG trip, Alexander recommends looking NOW for a place to say. Try airbnb, make sure you read reviews.
Awww!!! I'm so excited for you! Have a great time!