Change Comes to Dinner, by Katherine GustafsonThis book highlights food programs across the country that are working to change our industrial food system. Whether by gardening in the inner-city or by growing heirloom beans, the change-makers that Gustafson highlights are making the food scene more delicious. Definitely a pick-me-up!

Greenhorns, edited by Paula Manalo, Severine von Tscharner Fleming, and Zoe Ida BradburyGreenhorns tells the stories of many young and beginning farmers from across the U.S. The book is a series of essays, which tell stories of success, dreams, love, and failure on the farm. Many of the essays are beautifully written and all are inspiring. This was one of my favorite reads of the year.

Uncorked, by Marco PasanellaIn this book, Pasanella shares his experiences opening and running a successful wine shop in New York City. Pasanella is a great writer, and he provides a different perspective on the restaurant industry than many chef memoirs do. He shows us the nitty gritty of running a small business and the unique challenges and joys of being a wine purveyor. Great for wine lovers or for budding beverage entrepreneurs.
Why Calories Count, by Marion Nestle and Maldon Nesheim Marion Nestle is arguably the country's preeminent nutritionist, often quoted in news sources around the world and a prolific author on food politics. Her newest book explores the question of whether caloric intake directly affects weight gain (her answer, perhaps implied by the title, is yes). This is not just another diet book, though—Nestle is a scholar, and her material is rigorously researched and thoroughly convincing. A great read for any food policy or nutrition dorks out there.
Yes, Chef, by Marcus SamuelssonIn my review of this book, I wrote that it was the "pinnacle of chef memoirs," and I stand by that declaration. Full of compelling emotion and laced with humor and humility, Yes, Chef tells the story of Marcus Samuelsson, an Ethiopian-born, Swedish-raised, French-trained chef who has opened two envelope-pushing restaurants in Harlem, New York. His story is inspiring but human, and left me drooling to eat at one of his new joints.
Birdseye, by Mark Kurlansky